Each of the types in the Human Design System have their unique roles to play. In a perfect world, the Manifestors initiate projects, Generators (and Manifesting Generators) build the projects, while the Projectors guide the Generators, and the Reflectors let them know how they’re doing. 70% of the population--Generators/Manifesting Generators--have the energy to build the projects. We, Projectors, are part of the minority that are non-sacral, meaning we don’t have the energy to work for extended periods of time. The sacral is such an important center because it is the center for workforce and life force energy. Out of the four motors (sacral, root, solar plexus, and heart), the sacral is the one with the most energy and this is the motor that no Projectors have. 人类设计系统中的每种类型都有其独特的作用。在一个完美的世界里,"显现者 "发起项目,"生成者"(和 "显现生成者")建设项目,"投射者 "指导 "生成者","反射者 "让他们知道自己做得怎么样。70%的人--"生成者"/"显现生成者"--拥有建设项目的能量。我们这些 "投射者 "属于非骶部的少数人,这意味着我们没有精力长时间工作。骶骨是一个非常重要的中心,因为它是劳动力和生命能量的中心。在四个马达(骶骨马达、根部马达、太阳神经丛马达和心脏马达)中,骶骨马达的能量最大,这也是所有 "投影者 "都没有的马达。 So what does this mean? This means Projectors have to be very wise about how they expend their energy. It is encouraged for Generators/Manifesting Generators to wear out their sacral energy every day before they go to bed to have good health. While Projectors, on the other hand, have to go to bed an hour before they even get tired. 这意味着什么?这意味着 "投射者 "在消耗能量时必须非常明智。我们鼓励 "生成者"/"显现生成者 "每天在睡觉前耗尽骶骨能量,以保持身体健康。而 "投射者 "则必须在疲倦前一个小时就上床睡觉。 Hopefully, by this point you understand how vital it is for Projectors to be mindful about how they manage their day-to-day operations so they don’t overwork themselves. Since we can’t work for long periods of time, we’re designed to be super-efficient for short bursts of time. With proper focus, we can get more work done in a few hours. This creates the much needed time and space Projectors need to rest, study, and play. These three attributes are so essential to the success of a Projector when they’re not working. 希望到此为止,您已经明白,对于投影者来说,如何管理好自己的日常工作以避免过度劳累是多么重要。因为我们无法长时间工作,所以我们要在短时间内提高工作效率。只要注意力集中,我们就能在几个小时内完成更多的工作。这就为投影仪创造了休息、学习和娱乐所需的时间和空间。当投影仪不工作时,这三个属性对他们的成功至关重要。 *Resting helps the Projector have good health, studying supports the Projector in making them a superb guide, and playing increases the zest in a Projector’s life. When you combine these three, you create a powerful Projector aura that magnetizes invitations.* *睡觉有助于投影者拥有健康的身体,学习有助于投影者成为一名出色的向导,而玩耍则能提高投影者的生活热情。将这三者结合起来,就能创造出强大的 "投影者 "光环,磁化邀请*。 When I first found out I was a Projector I felt seen and heard. I finally felt recognized for how different I was and that not having the same energy as most of the world had a unique purpose. But then I continued to live my life the same way, working long hours, exercising when I was tired, not waiting for life to invite me, and just forcing life to try to work for me. That excitement of being a Projector quickly dissipated and felt like I got the short end of the stick for being a non-energy type. It was only when I started deconditioning by following my Projector strategy (waiting to be recognized and invited) and then listening to my authority where I really was getting the opportunities that I wanted. But things really started blossoming for me when I began to implement those key attributes for a Projector’s success: rest, study, and play. I felt like I was actually the lucky type for being a Projector because I get to work shorter periods of time, I can rest more, I study and get paid for my passions, and I also get to play! I mean isn’t that what most people strive for in this world? And we actually are designed to live this way! 当我第一次发现自己是一名 "投影者 "时,我感觉自己被看见了,被听到了。我终于感觉到自己的与众不同,感觉到自己与世界上大多数人不一样的能量有其独特的意义。但之后我继续过着同样的生活,长时间工作,累了就锻炼,不等生活邀请我,只是强迫生活努力为我工作。成为 "投射者 "的那种兴奋感很快就消散了,我感觉自己因为是非能量型的人而吃了亏。直到我开始按照我的 "投射者 "策略(等待被认可和邀请)进行调整,然后听从我的权威,我才真正得到了我想要的机会。但是,当我开始实施投射型成功的关键要素:休息、学习和玩耍时,我的事业才真正开始开花结果。我觉得自己是投影仪行业的幸运儿,因为我的工作时间更短,我可以休息得更多,我可以学习并为我的爱好获得报酬,我还可以玩!我的意思是,这不正是这个世界上大多数人所追求的吗?事实上,我们就是被设计成这样生活的! The reason why we’re focusing on playing is that it’s something that isn’t really supported in our society. What people do “respect” and “admire” is someone who works hard, who works long hours, and as Projectors, this just isn’t feasible. You work 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, and you only get 2 weeks of vacation A YEAR! So only two days out of the week and 2 weeks out of the year can you really dedicate to play. Most of that time will probably be resting from all the work you’ve been doing. So a huge part of our deconditioning process is to allow ourselves to play without any guilt. As Projectors, we’re here to usher in a new way of being, one that is much more efficient and enjoyable, and here at The Projector Movement, we celebrate, support, and encourage your PLAY! 我们之所以关注 "玩",是因为我们的社会并不真正支持 "玩"。人们所 "尊敬 "和 "钦佩 "的是那些努力工作、长时间工作的人,而作为投影仪制作人,这是不可行的。你每周工作 40 小时,从周一到周五,一年只有两周假期!因此,一周中只有两天,一年中只有两周可以真正用来玩。其中大部分时间可能都是在休息,因为你一直在工作。因此,在我们调整状态的过程中,很重要的一点就是让自己毫无负罪感地去玩。作为投影者,我们在这里迎来了一种新的生活方式,一种更有效率、更令人愉悦的生活方式,在投影者运动这里,我们庆祝、支持和鼓励你的 "玩"! WHAT DOES PLAY FEEL LIKE? 游戏是什么感觉? For each Projector, play is going to look different, but at the core of playing is to have fun and to be in the moment. Maybe your playing sparks a child-like wonder within you. Maybe your playing inspires you. But the reason for you to play is just to have fun. Being a strong magnet for the right invitations is a wonderful byproduct of play. 对于每个投影者来说,游戏的表现形式都不尽相同,但游戏的核心是享受乐趣和享受当下。也许你的演奏能激发你的童心。也许你的演奏激发了你的灵感。但你演奏的原因只是为了享受乐趣。对正确的邀请具有强大的吸引力是演奏的美妙副产品。 If you need some clues to know what really feeds your soul, look at your chart. Look at what type of Projector you are and what centers and gates you have defined. That will tell you what activates you. 如果你需要一些线索来了解什么能真正滋养你的灵魂,那就看看你的星图吧。看看你是哪种类型的投射者,你定义了哪些中心和门。这将告诉你什么能激活你。 Let’s take, for example, resident Projectors Charlie’s and Andre’s charts. 以常驻投影师查理和安德烈的排行榜为例。 Splenic Projector 脾脏投影仪 As you can see, Charlie has his root connected to his splenic center, making him a Splenic Projector. So Charlie is very much about being in the moment. He also has his root (motor center) defined and multiple powerful gates that invoke a lot of energy. One of those gates is gate 38 - the Gate of the fighter. This gate makes it so Charlie has the intensity to make things happen. When you combine the importance of being in the moment with a lot of energy, you are a Projector who loves to play sports. Charlie loves the ability to go into a competitive sport and be pretty intense in the playing. Or he can be by himself just shooting hoops. He can shoot these crazy shots and laugh at himself for totally missing or for totally getting it in. And this really levels up his energy in quite a profound way. 如你所见,查理的根部与脾脏中心相连,因此他是一个脾脏投射者。因此,查理非常注重 "当下"。他的根部(运动中心)也被定义为多个强大的门,可以激发大量能量。其中一个门是 38 号门--战士之门。这扇门让查理拥有了让事情发生的力量。当你把 "当下 "的重要性和强大的能量结合在一起时,你就是一个热爱运动的投射者。查理喜欢参加竞技运动,并在比赛中表现得十分激烈。他也可以一个人投篮。他可以疯狂地投篮,嘲笑自己完全投丢或完全投进。这让他的能量得到了极大的提升。 Self-Projected Projector 自投式投影仪 Charlie prefers to play by doing a physical activity much more than having a chat. Andre on the other hand is a Self-Projected Projector who doesn’t quite have the same energetic intensity as Charlie. If you look at his chart you’ll see that he only has his throat and g center defined (no motors defined). One of those gates he has defined in his throat center is gate 13 - the gate of the listener. With this gate defined, it creates an energy where people feel relaxed and are compelled to tell you their secrets which is a recipe for interesting conversations! By having this gate and by being a Self-Projected Projector (where Andre has to listen to his truth through his own voice), this creates a Projector who really loves to talk! 比起聊天,查理更喜欢做体力活。另一方面,安德烈是一个自我投射型投射者,他不像查理那样精力充沛。如果你看一下他的图表,就会发现他只定义了喉咙和 g 中心(没有定义电机)。他在喉咙中心定义的其中一个门是第 13 个门--听众之门。有了这个闸门,就会产生一种能量,让人们感到放松,不得不告诉你他们的秘密,这就是有趣对话的秘诀!有了这个门,再加上他是一个自我投射者(安德烈必须通过自己的声音倾听自己的真实想法),这就造就了一个真正爱说话的投射者! Mental Projectors 心理投影仪 Playing by talking also can be said about Mental Projectors (a.k.a. Environmental Projectors or Projectors who have no inner authority). Being in that one-on-one interaction with someone, being very engaged and present is also how Mental Projectors can play. Maybe you can bring in play by changing up the topic quite quickly, or having a joke, or a little sarcasm, or just laughing at yourself--this instills the essence of play. So it's that vibration that you feel when you laugh or when something spontaneous happens that you’re going for. 心理投射者(又称环境投射者或没有内在权威的投射者)也可以通过说话来进行游戏。与人进行一对一的互动,非常投入和在场也是心理投射者的游戏方式。也许你可以通过快速转换话题,或者开个玩笑,或者来点讽刺,或者只是自嘲--这些都能灌输游戏的精髓。所以,当你笑的时候,或者当一些自发的事情发生的时候,你所感受到的就是这种振动。 Emotional Projectors 情感投射器 What if you’re an Emotional Projector? Well, think about what really can activate the emotions within you. Maybe it’s listening to music and that sparks you to get up and start dancing spontaneously. Maybe it’s learning how to play an instrument where you can get lost (or should I say “where you can find yourself”) in those harmonic frequencies. Since the advent of movies, cinemas have been a huge part of our society. We enjoy going to the movies because it evokes certain feelings within us. What’s happening on-screen moves us and that’s one way you can feed your Emotional Projector play. Whatever activity can really ignite those emotions within you is the level of play you’re aiming for. 如果你是一个情感投射者呢?想想看,什么能真正激活你内心的情感?也许是听音乐,它能激发你站起来,开始自发地跳舞。也许是学习如何演奏一种乐器,让你在这些和声频率中迷失(或者我应该说 "让你在其中找到自我")。自从有了电影,电影院就成了我们社会的重要组成部分。我们之所以喜欢看电影,是因为它能唤起我们内心的某种情感。银幕上发生的事情会打动我们,这也是让你的 "情感投射器 "发挥作用的一种方式。无论什么活动都能真正点燃你内心的情感,这就是你所追求的游戏水平。 Ego Projectors 自我投影仪 If you’re an Ego Projector, you’re here to really be precious about your time, space, and what you want. Since you have the will (heart/ego/will center is defined) to get things done, you can overwork yourself by putting yourself in situations where you shouldn’t have been because you didn’t listen to your strategy and authority. So when you have the time to play, do what YOU want to do. Don’t think about what makes others happy. You have to be selfish and ask yourself, “What will make me smile? What do I really want to do? What’s one thing I’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t done yet? As an Ego Projector, you have to do what’s in your best interest at heart. 如果你是一个 "自我投射者",你在这里就会真正珍惜时间、空间和自己想要的东西。因为你有意愿(心/自我/意愿中心已定义)去完成事情,所以你会因为不听从自己的策略和权威而把自己置于不该去的境地,从而使自己过度劳累。所以,当你有时间玩时,做你想做的事。不要考虑什么能让别人开心。你必须自私一点,问问自己:"什么能让我微笑?我真正想做的是什么?我一直想做但还没做的事情是什么?作为 "自我投射者",你必须做对自己最有利的事情。 The examples just spoken about are there to get the ball rolling if you’re stuck. If you’re an Emotional Projector you can have fun by playing sports. If you’re a Mental Projector you can play by writing poetry. Your chart with your defined centers and gates are just a starting point to guide you to possible playful experiences. But don’t mentally think about it, it’s really about sensing into what is going to be best for you, whether that’s feeling into it or listening to life and seeing where it's calling you. You’ll really get to know what excites you, what increases your vitality, and what moves you in to your play and joy. Joy infuses into the Projector aura with such ease and grace and then it really syncs up opportunities for us. 如果你遇到困难,刚才谈到的例子可以帮助你解决问题。如果你是情感投射者,你可以通过运动来获得乐趣。如果你是一个心理投射者,你可以通过写诗来获得乐趣。你的图表中定义的中心和门只是一个起点,可以引导你获得可能的游戏体验。但不要在心理上考虑这些,这其实是在感知什么最适合你,无论是感觉还是聆听生活,看看它在召唤你。你会真正了解什么能让你兴奋,什么能增强你的活力,什么能让你投入游戏和快乐。喜悦如此轻松优雅地注入投影仪的光环,然后为我们带来真正的同步机遇。 Here's Splenic Projector Charlie and Self-Projected Andre playing by throwing the frisbee around. Afterward, they got into the ocean and then had some deep and fun conversations. Beach days are essential to Projectors because you get vitamin D from the sun, you cleanse your aura by bathing in the ocean, you ground yourself in the sand, and there’s the potential to play with someone else or have the space and time to be by yourself. 这是 "脾脏投影仪 "查理和 "自我投影仪 "安德烈在玩飞盘。之后,他们下了海,进行了一番深入而有趣的交谈。海滩日对投射者来说是必不可少的,因为你可以从阳光中获得维生素 D,在海水中沐浴可以净化你的灵气,在沙滩上可以磨练你的意志,还可以和别人一起玩,或者有自己的空间和时间。