As you pay attention to these old patterns you may begin to see them as repeated patterns of memory embeds that influence your thoughts and feelings. Their unresolved distortions deeply impact our mental, emotional and social aspects at so many different levels, which can potentially create dysfunction and imbalance.
These mental and emotional imbalances within, simultaneously create deep energetic imbalances and blockages within our energy body and aura. The mental games and control programs that are run by our unconscious self, those larger behavior patterns that are set by and accepted by mass society are coming into blaring review at this time. We have to see who and what is running a "racket" into the mental body and our unconscious mind, and allowing its fear to be programmed into our emotional body.
A racket is a corrupt mental program running in our conscious or unconscious self that justifies itself into being, in order to protect the psyche from its deepest and darkest fears.
It is very tricky and manipulative. However we are able to clearly see these rackets running as the new energy foundation will not tolerate nor support them. Running rackets is the antithesis to embodying personal integrity, and in order to be congruent with the core essence and the nature of our true self, we have to be fully disposed of these rackets.
This is a time of reality check so that we can see what damage has been done and take stock of what we have left to process, so we can live by and speak in the deepest truth and integrity that we are capable. Blind spots in our awareness or the perception we hold of others that keep us in denial or living inside the deceptive psychological defense programs (or these mental rackets) cannot continue. We are being moved to shed layers of drama, trauma and defense mechanisms that we have operated with, as a part of being human. As the first part of the Ascension Wayshower’s we are doing this clearing in depth now. It may show up as a part of healing the larger macrocosm or healing something in your personal life, however its mechanisms are the same.
All of humanity is subject to running these mental racket programs. This process can be painful as it requires you give it all up at the altar, nothing is held back, nothing is sugar coated, nothing is veiled from your ability to see or live by the truth as you know it. All we need to do is drop any resistance and let the circumstance self correct as we participate by witnessing the pattern, as it is being shifted or completely dissolved. It is also dissolving the membranes that create energetic separation inside of us, so that we can be more whole within and therefore also be more whole in our interaction with others. This can be intense for us so taking the necessary time out and being gentle and forgiving in these circumstances, is the practice of being in self mastery or energetic mastery.