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[12x12 = 144 Grid Matrix(Square 2D Surface Grid)]

[12x144 = 1728 Cube Grid Matrix (3D)]

[1728 +1= 1729 Ramanujan's Number]

["TRITUM"(Triple Momentum of TIME)(Quantum Logic of Time)("111" Past-Present-Future)]

This is a continuation of my post yesterday where I propose a Logic of SOUND,TIME & ENERGY as the Same, similar or co-equal and that Photon/light is a 1dimensional phenomenon, and that Sound is primary to light as light is only a Point Spec of the Whole continum Spectrum of Sound

Now, we jump right to the 6th diagram below to begin with, I call this diagram "TRITUM" or Triple Momenta of Time, this is a sort of Quantum Logic between 3(111) Constants variable of time The Past,Present,Future...

In Quantum mechanics any event that is not at Present moment is in a Superposition State or Quantum state, this means the Past and Future are A Superposition Moments of Time , a Superposition is Non-local, it has no exact location that we can point to and it exists as wave of probabilities,it's like we know it's gonna happen but not exactly. There is a number of variable probabilities,paths that are possible to happen--this is for the Future Superposition,i numerically designated this as +1.

For Past Superposition designated as -1 the events happend already and it's no longer in the present moment domain,and those past memories are all in probabilistic domain because every observer has a subjective experience. And no two observers can have exact Interpretation of the experienced event.....

this Superposition states is represented by a complex number "i"(Euler) , also Psi symbol of Wave (looks like a Trident of Shiva)....

Here i propose Present moment(Now) as The Collapse of The Wave Function or the Collapse of Superposition State into a "Position state" or Locality, it's numerical designation is a Neutral 1, it can be also the Zeropoint (0) as "Singular point", A moment or Momenta(Quanta of Time) is Always valued at 1(as quanta), this is why i call this "Triple "111" Quanta of Time---Past, Present, Future...

The Present Moment can only happen with the "Observer"--it is the Observer that Collapse those Waves of Superpositions, The Observer(consciousness/mind) can be further broken down to the Five Natural Senses(Seeing-Eye,Hearing-Ear,Smell-Nose,Taste-Tongue, touch-Skin) ,Thus the Collapse of waves is not Only done with Light as commonly believe but a range and Whole Spectrum of Light&Sound which is the EM field =Energy, All in All it's the Energy that collapses itself , Seeing uses light to Collapse the wave ,Hearing uses Sound to collapse waves, Smell uses air particles(particles are made of Mass and Mass is light/sound Densities) Taste-Chemical molecules(Mass), Skin- Vibratory,Neuro receptors(light/sound)

S there must be 3 major factors to collapse a Wave is 1.Observer/Consciousness 2.Light/Sound 3.The Object that is observed

.....but on a deeper Quantum level concepts The Observer and the Observed and the Light/sound as the vehicle of reflection cannot be distinguished as separate they are one, There is no Externals or Outsides in Quantum mechanics, I could say that QM is both 1dimensional yet this 1D realm is The Wholeness and totality of all dimensions there is .....The Clue on this is on the Nature of Light itself that is theorized by Albert Einstein,"At the Speed of Light Time is Zero" meaning if you move at the Speed of light Everything surrounding you is Static or on a Stand Still on your own perspective, and relative to you Time is So fast that you become unnoticeable when passing by to those observing you....
This means Time is Relativistic... it is not Constant All the Time, and the Observer is the Focal point on how time is perceived...Time is Constant only at "1" or "0" on 1Dimension or in Quantum Dimension only..

Another clue on this strange nature of light and Time is the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC)..it states that:

"When atoms are super cooled they form into condensate, they lose their individuality as an atom. They behave like ONE  big collective superatom, analogous to how photons become indistinguishable in a laser beam..."

so if Sound/Light,Energy and Time is Co-Equal to each other as what I am proposing, this could mean also That Time itself can behave like Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC) in minimum thermodynamic states or just merely in 1D/Quantum state, furthermore Physics  prove that Light behaves both a Particle and a Wave at the same time, this is also a subject of Paradox because Light as a Wave is governed by Quantum mechanics Laws ,then Light as Particle is governed by Relativistic and classical physics laws, Therefore Quantum Mechanics and Classical mechanics works hand in hand , we just don't know yet where they meet at.....remember light as a wave means it behaves like Sound(vibrations,Waves), But what about let's say a wave is an extension of a Particle , sort of like a "point" 1D stretched on both sides like a string, isn't this Particle now and Wave is one in a "String" like object, then when this 2D string is stretched further in becomes a "Sheet" or Surface, then added with Volume the Sheet becomes 3D object, Fractalized this further then you have the 4D,5D,6D..etc objects.....and again as I have proposed earlier 1D should be Equal to infinite dimensions both on Relativistic and Quantum mechanics....that's it!, this is The Clue where Quantum mechanics and classical/Relativistic Laws meet...this is the jump off point!

This is the very reason why Quantum mechanics is The hardest, weirdest of all sciences,it breaks almost all Physical laws that we normally experience or perceived, and almost all are get caught and trap in this Paradoxes...to reunite what is broken and  fragmented gives way for Unification of All Sciences, Not just science but this Cascades to All branches of knowledge from Mathematics,Philosophy, Spirituality,religion and to the whole society and body of Consciousness itself ,which heralds the Golden Age of Human Evolution..

Now! looking on the first diagram "The Matrix-144", it's the continuation of the "TRITUM" diagram, The Relativistic continuation and series of Pasts,Presents and Futures....where the initial Present moment becomes the Past and the Future before becomes now the Present moment so on and so forth, this means every moment or quanta of time is an effective "Zeropoints", and logically every integer is a Zeropoint or singular point, in an Infinite continum of integers in all vector of space ,this spread of integers becomes.also a "Field" and is subject to Quantum mechanics "Waves" are Fields, In QM Singular points are located EVERYWHERE and this is logically true  if A Singular point is the "Wholeness" totality there is or Singular points is located where observation Collapse happen both are true...

From a Relativistic Logic Point of View, 1 Momenta or quanta of Time has magnitudes, example: 1 placnk time, 1 seconds, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, 1 century , 1 era, 1 epoc, 1 Universe time.......all this are Magnitudes of "1" moment of time in a Relativistic point of view....and 1 moment of time is divided further with "Triple Momenta" "111" Past,Present,Future .....Now let me connect you to the word "Momentum"

Here's definitions of Momentum in the Books:

"Momentum in physics: it refers to the quantity of motion that an object has. ... If an object is in motion (on the move) then it has momentum. Momentum can be defined as "mass in motion." All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum - it has its mass in motion"

"Momentum is The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.
"The impetus gained by a moving object.

in Webster Dictionary:

1: a property of a moving body that the body has by virtue of its mass and motion and that is equal to the product of the body's mass and velocity
broadly : a property of a moving body that determines the length of time required to bring it to rest when under the action of a constant force or moment

2: strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events
ex. The wagon gained momentum as it rolled down the hill.

"Momentum (P) is equal to mass (M) times velocity (v). But there are other ways to think about momentum! Force (F) is equal to the change in momentum (ΔP) over the change in time (Δt). And the change in momentum (ΔP) is also equal to the impulse (J). Impulse has the same units as momentum (kg*m/s or N*s). "
"Newton's second law of motion states that the rate of change of a body's momentum is equal to the net force acting on it. Momentum depends on the frame of reference, but in any inertial frame it is a conserved quantity, meaning that if a closed system is not affected by external forces, its total linear momentum does not change. Momentum is also conserved in special relativity (with a modified formula) and, in a modified form, in electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and general relativity. It is an expression of one of the fundamental symmetries of space and time: translational symmetry."

From the definitions above we can connect Time Quanta, 1 Moment to Physics "Momentum" P= Mass(m) x (v)velocity , looking into this equation it's generally the Same as e= mc^2  or e= Mass x Speed of Light

Therefore Time,Energy,Light,Sound is the Same in a generalized Logical point of view

Looking in details of the Definitions of Momentum above:

"It is an expression of one of the fundamental symmetries of space and time: translational symmetry."
"Momentum depends on the frame of reference, but in any inertial frame it is a conserved quantity, its total linear momentum does not change..."

= This is the "111",Symmetry of 1-1-1 , always conserved and does not change linearly, again it is a series of 1-1-1

= Change of Momentum is equal to the same Momentum value, again 1-1-1 and change of Momentum is equals to "Impulse" which have the same Unit with Momentum...

IMPULSE is likend to a heartbeat, water drops, string strung, strike and hit on a drum, friction, collisions....on conscious level Impulse is the "WILL" or the drive, the initiator, the desire to move and create....in my Concept here it is the Collapse of the Wave Function, The Present Now moment.....

The Whole Unit as Quantum Wave(uncollapsed) is Valued "1"--- there is only One Eternal Quantum Moment (3 in 1) there is no yet Past,Present,Or Future, there is only 1 Moment as Now Momenta(Quantum) , but Once it is COLLAPSED the 1 becomes 3(Relativistic) yet it is still technically "1" as the other 2 "11"(Past,Future) is in a Superposition state , So it is a 3 in 1 (The past,present and future in present) ,-1+1= 0 or 1 , So here we can  logic proof that Quantum Mechanics law is Primary compared to Relativistic Law, Relativistic is Illusionary,Temporary whereas Absolute law is in Quantum mechanics..

In Vedic Teaching(Vedas)(The Oldest Collections of sacred Writings) Suppreme Goddess KALI is depicted as The Feminine Principle of the Universe as Energy and Time, also the Mother"Ma" as in "Matrix" or The Womb(from which all is born)
While SHIVA the Masculine principle is depicted as Consciousness/mind/information The Union of this Two is The Manifest Universe itself,....in Physics Energy and Information/consciousness goes hand in hand they are two sides of the same coin, "Energy always follows thought"

Primary to this 2 Divine principle is The Primordial sound "OM" or SabdaBrahman from which all aspects and Divine Qualities(Gods and Goddesses) arise...

Now going back to the Diagram below "The Matrix-144".... interesting observation is the numbers 12, 13, 144 this is because it sprang out of 3 (111) and the 4 vector(collapse of wave = Present Now), 3x4= 12.....12 is Time Harmonic and Dodecahedron (Ether), Ether is Sound from which light propagate.....notice here on this Diagram at 12th grid it forms the first Square that is equal to 12x12 = 144 a light Harmonic number, if we count the Points or Zeropoints it is 13th where Square is formed ,what's peculiar about this 12th & 13th is that it creates an Assymetry which results into Golden Ratios , it's just messy here in this Diagram because it's the first time I see it here in this Diagram, I had to re-draw a clean more detailed View of this diagram next,  the 34:21 Golden Ratio Assymetry I found here is a seminal find.... Furthermore we can find the Light Octaves here starting from 144, 288, 432, 576, 720, 864, 1008, 1152, 1296, 1440, 1584, 1728, 1872, 2016, 2160, 2304

The 12th & 13th Octave  1728 , 1872 notice they have the same four numbers jumbled/Mirrored..

1728 is striking because it's the 12th Octave of 144 , 12x 144 = 1728 and it is the Last grid or the 12th grid that forms the 12x12= 144 grid matrix....

1728 + 1 = 1729 Ramanujan's Number (One of The Prominent Mathematical Genius of our time from India)....... All Mathematicians know his famous Infinite series Identity -1/12 , Notice the 12 , This might be a clue that Ramanujan's -1/12 Infinite series is also about the Nature of Time, Energy, Sound and Light??

12x144 = 1728 is the Total Cube Grid 3DMatrix derived from the 12x12= 144 Square 2D Grid Matrix here in this Diagram

Like I said this is my seminal find, more to be find on this diagram...


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