
基因钥匙 基因钥匙 216 人阅读 | 0 人回复

发表于 2024-4-12 20:00:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



In past and parallel lifetimes and realms, every time a planetary body explodes or an era collapses there are cracks in the remaining planetary nerve system. In the human energy body, this has reinforced the main splits known as the 2D-4D split and the masculine/feminine split.

This trauma is perceived and lived differently depending on each Soul’s accumulated past and future experiences as well as the energy type and authority in this lifetime.

The Bodygraph gives us an understanding of each Soul’s splits and not-self themes in the current embodiment process.


For example, a Generator with a Split - between the Sacral and G - is likely living “incorrectly” as a Projector. A Manifesting Generator with the Heart and Throat connected - yet spilt from the Sacral and the G - is likely living “incorrectly” as an Ego Manifestor. Both beings will then feel DRAINED and frustrated - the MG even angry.

Their “correctness” comes from living their Sacral Authority FIRST. AND THEN they can tap into their unique abilities - their SUPER POWERS- from the G and Ego +Throat.


Today, a very low percentage of the population live in accordance with their energetic blueprint. The most common is to try to “fix” the feeling of being drained from the very Split - which would never work!

In this hypothetical scenario, the “false” Projector would be all about guiding (others) from the G-center through the themes of Love, Identity, and Direction. The “false” Ego Manifestor would be focused on the themes of authority and leadership - material prosperity and having everything their way would be key.

The Projector Split may think that feeling exhausted can be fixed through LOVE or pushing in one DIRECTION. The Ego Manifesting Split may think that feeling drained can be fixed through making MONEY.

This can not be true. We need to take into account our whole being and as Human Design people put it: S&A have to be respected first. It’s not possible to be REGENERATED from the Split.


Soul’s are incarnated on Earth to experience and become aware through relationships. Sometimes two Souls who bridge each other’s splits come together. In the shadow frequency they could become co-dependent and create all kinds of entanglements and projections. In the HIGHER FREQUENCIES their connecting would direct them back to their own genetic blueprint with the opportunity to be whole in themselves.

In the example of the two beings above, we see the CONNECTION CHART between the two Bodygraphs. In the higher frequencies the tantric electromagnetic channels 14-2 and 29-46 would infuse and sublimate primal energy into the higher chakras and give an exhilaration in saying yes to the moment - welcoming everything that arises. The 14-2 - with its pure Power and Direction - is also the Keeper of the Keys that unlocks our lives so we can go anywhere and achieve anything. The shamanic 25-51 would combine the shocks and Initiatives that lead to Awakening when done through the medium of Universal Love - the only way to ascend beyond ego.

The Bodygraph mechanics of the combined chart would without a doubt  be challenging - anything that bring us back to Truth is challenging for the Separate Self. We are talking about a perfect mirroring of Souls incarnated through the same fractal (repairing and upgrading specific parts of the DNA and holographically the whole). Without extreme awareness they would start to play out the splits against each other - as humans do.


The Core Wounds (coded by Design Mars) would then be triggered - one part of the two beings would know this is the PORTAL to each Soul’s Vocation  - yet the ego would do anything for them to escape or bypass this possibility.

A Core Wound 57 line 4 would have to feel into the wound of Rejection and abandonment - continuing rejecting itself and have that mirrored back in the relationship - which would lead to Unease and Fear of Tomorrow (the shadow of Gate 57).

A Core Wound 21 line 6 would create Separation - not feeling as complete merging with the other in the human world. This would lead to trying to exert Control in the outer world - a controlled linked to hierarchy and the old model of (tribal) power (the shadow of gate 21).

The patterns above would have to be acknowledged and transmuted. Both Generators would have to come back to their power center - their true authority and live from there.

Explained through more simple Human Design mechanics, The Projector Split would have to start LISTENING from intuition rather than pushing its truth and direction on the other. The Ego Manifesting Split would come back to the sacral and learn RECEIVING rather that controlling outcomes linked to outer manifestation and money.


The process of ASCENSION through relating with the Precious Twin would then naturally open then vertical pillar and start spinning the MERKABA LIGHT BODIES through refined frequencies and sacred geometrical patterns.

For the person with Design Mars 57.4 this means starting to live with a permanently open heart with the Vocation of Intuition and Clarity.

For Design Mars 21.6 this means embodying the intuitive Role Model with the Vocation or true Authority and Valor to serve the whole.

It would take courage for the 57.4 to open the heart permanently to the other even when there would be a feeling of rejection. The same thing for the 21.6 to start receiving and being nurtured by that open heart even when there is a feeling of separation deep inside.


Being conscious of the PORTAL the relationship creates, they would both have a choice - pushing each other away - or stepping into the magic of mirroring and merging - where one plus one synergistically goes far beyond two.

Through relating and caring, the pure Generator would have a unique opportunity learn about Valor, Worthiness and manifesting Prosperity through the Manifesting Generator. The MG would have the opportunity to engage in the continuous dance of receiving and giving Love and Nurturing as well as reframing the meaning of Identity through the Unity with the Generator.

The magic of surrendering into relationships and electromagnetic channels is that it takes us into completely NEW TERRITORY - where we haven’t been able to go in previous incarnations.

It opens up for a completely new FREEDOM THROUGH RELATIONSHIP. That means breaking through one of humanity’s biggest misconceptions - that intimate LOVE and freedom don’t go hand in hand. Only through the SACRED Inner and Outer MARRIAGE will this be transmuted - and it is happening on Earth right now.


Note: I believe that the example above could also go for Ego-Manifestors and Projectors living from the Shadow Frequency. And actually anyone living from the lower frequency The Bodygraph can just help us understand in what area of life the shadows will most likely show up.


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