
Ra Uru Hu Ra Uru Hu 202 人阅读 | 0 人回复

发表于 2024-5-28 15:22:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Trial The Guardians Jupiter (E) Uranus (D)
The teacher that never stops being a student.
Dedication to a lifetime of receptivity with the matuity to accept that the process never ends. rewards for services rendered. The recognition that receptivity is a lifelong process.For the revolutionary patience is a vice. Higher knowing that cannot wait and demands expression.

The Opportunity
4 Secretiveness
More than modesty, the ability to preserve harmony through discretion.The higher goal transcends personal acclaim. The team player.
acknowledged as the leader but never the captain. Where higher knowing does not have to be expressed to be recognized.Loose lips sink ships. The unquenchable fire of the ego engenders enmity. The inability to keep silent when the opportunity arises for expression.

The Call
5 Intelligent application
The Strategist. Reasoned management of resources. Higher knowing as a gift fot strategy The inability to share tesponsibility or recognize the abilities of others. Higher knowing as an exclusively individual and selfish process.


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